SAP Router service in use

SAP Router Error SAP Router service in use

saprouter -r -S 3299 -V 3 -K "p:CN=, OU=< Customer number >,
OU=SAProuter,O=SAP, C=DE" 


1) verify the use of port 3299 ( netstat -an | grep 3299 )

 Add the host sapserv9 with IP in /etc/hosts file and 

Restart the Hostfile with command

systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed

2) lsof -i tcp:3299 

Is there any thing else running on port 3299 ? if yes, stop or kill it and restart router.

Check for saprouter 

3) pidof saprouter  it will display the id 

4) kill PID    it will kill the saprouter 

Start the SAPROUTER 

saprouter -r -S 3299 -V 3 -K "p:CN=, OU=< Customer number >,
OU=SAProuter,O=SAP, C=DE"